IOT And AI App Development Services

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IoT/AI solutions from CIRRUS SOFT

Pioneering ideas necessitate a one-of-a-kind partner

The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing how we interact with our devices at home, at work, and in cities. This network of interconnected gadgets collects enormous amounts of information about our internet activity. IoT devices generate five quintillion bytes (1 billion gigabytes or 5 exabytes) of data per day, according to Cisco.

Together, AI and IoT unite to form AIoT – a smart, linked network of devices that communicates smoothly over strong 5G networks, releasing the potential of data better and faster than ever before.

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What exactly is the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that refers to a digital network of physical items (things) that has a structure similar to that of the internet. Individual gadgets, as well as structures, living people, goods, machinery, and even full facilities, are examples of “things.” The Internet of Things strategy gathers data from these different “things” and sends it to a central storage place, which can be on-premise or in the cloud.

This information can then be shared with others, connected together, processed, and applied appropriately. The activation of event-based actions is part of a more comprehensive approach (e.g. automatic redelivery). It is feasible to not only react more rapidly, but also to plan better, if data is kept over a longer period.

Individual requirements and circumstances fluctuate significantly based on the location, whether in industry, buildings, cities, healthcare facilities, retail, or agricultural, when it comes to IoT. The good news is that you won’t have to start from scratch if you have CIRRUS SOFT on your side.

We’ll always find the best and most cost-effective solution for your needs, taking on project planning and implementation as your primary partner, based on our expertise with previously executed IoT/AI projects in your business and taking into account both the operational and technical feasibility of your project


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IOT and AI App Development Services | APPS 365

The Major AIoT Segments

So, where do AI and the Internet of Things go from here?

The four primary areas where AIoT is having an influence are:-

  • Wearables

Wearable devices like smartwatches constantly monitor and track user preferences and habits. This has yielded useful applications not only in the healthtech business, but also in fitness and sports. According to Gartner, Inc.’s latest projection, global end-user spending on wearable devices would reach $81.5 billion in 2021, up 18.1 percent from $69 billion in 2020.

  • Smart Home

Houses that respond to your every whim are no longer the stuff of science fiction. Smart houses can learn about a homeowner’s habits and provide automatic “assistance” by using lights, electronic gadgets, appliances, and other equipment.

This convenient access also has the added benefit of improving energy efficiency. As a result, between 2020 and 2025, the smart home sector might develop at a 25% compound annual growth rate (CAGR), reaching $246 billion.

  • Smart City

As more individuals relocate from rural to urban areas, cities are becoming safer and more convenient places to live. Investments in transportation, energy efficiency, and public safety are keeping up with smart city advances.

AI’s practical uses in traffic control are also eminent.

  • Smart Industry

Finally, businesses ranging from manufacturing to mining embrace digital transformation to increase productivity and remove human error.

From real-time data analytics to supply-chain sensors, smart devices can help businesses avoid costly mistakes. Gartner expects that by 2022, AI would be used in over 80% of enterprise IoT initiatives.

AIoT fusion will continue to push data processing and intelligent learning boundaries for years to come.


When you work with CIRRUS SOFT, you can rest assured that you’ll get all of the services you need to get your IoT/AI solution up and running—all from a single source and fully aligned with one another. If you’re currently a CIRRUS SOFT customer and want to learn more about the IoT/AI possibilities based on your current infrastructure, simply contact us to learn more about the unique options available to you.


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Why Choose Us

CIRRUS SOFT is one of the renowned Microsoft Technologies-based boutiques in the UK. We aim to help our customers improve business productivity by rendering help in their digital transformation journey and provide solutions that help enhance extensive, feature-rich association, and custom workflows throughout your organization.

  • Microsoft Gold Certified Partner

CIRRUS SOFT is associated with Prakash Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd – A Microsoft Gold Partner in Cloud, Application Development, Application Integration, Azure DevOps, Messaging Content & Collaboration helping businesses with solutions that actually work. CIRRUS SOFT helps in blending competitive technology, resourcefulness with transparency, and precision in churning out innovative solutions.

  • Quality Services & Solutions

We believe in excellence in whatever we do. To give our clients the best services and solutions, our efforts are well guided by our defined global standards in quality management.

  • On-time Delivery

We believe in on-time delivery of the project. We have successfully delivered; even with tight deadlines and even if it’s on short notice.

  • Secure Development

We ensure end-to-end data security, scalability, and migration to develop flexible cloud-based solutions and applications. We adhere to all the data compliances and data security laws. We deliver secure solutions ensuring a smooth transfer of information, confidential/private or otherwise.

  • Fastest Turnaround Time

With a bouquet of versatile professionals, we promise you the fastest turnaround time.

  • Cutting-edge Technologies and Agile Process

Our domain expertise surpasses all boundaries and we are at the forefront of digital transformation in Web, Mobile, and Cloud technologies. We deliver innovative and intelligent solutions. Our agile process-driven approach ensures effectiveness and competence for the definitive transformation of the business.

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