Website Hosting & Fast Support SLA

APPS 365 is a leading provider of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Azure hosting services. On-shore hosting and non-export data protection options, as well as super-fast scalable cloud hosting packages, are all available. We help you with an extended warranty on all of our software, as well as fast turnaround maintenance and SLA – support service level agreement to ensure that you always have a developer on call:

  • Solutions for cloud-based hosting
  • Extremely quick disaster recovery
  • SLA support with a quick turnaround
  • A solid, tried-and-true backup method ensures complete data reliability and no data loss
  • APPS 365 can manage your hosting or you can work with your current hosting team

Why Choose Us?

APPS 365 is a renowned Technology-based boutique in the UK. We aim to help our customers improve business productivity by rendering help in their digital transformation journey and provide solutions that help enhance extensive, feature-rich association, and custom workflows throughout your organization.

  • Quality Services & Solutions

We believe in excellence in whatever we do. To give our clients the best services and solutions, our efforts are well guided by our defined global standards in quality management.

  • On-time Delivery

We believe in on-time delivery of the project. We have successfully delivered; even with tight deadlines and even if it’s on short notice.

  • Secure Development

We ensure end-to-end data security, scalability, and migration to develop flexible cloud-based solutions and applications. We adhere to all the data compliances and data security laws. We deliver secure solutions ensuring a smooth transfer of information, confidential/private or otherwise.

  • Fastest Turnaround Time

With a bouquet of versatile professionals, we promise you the fastest turnaround time.

  • Cutting-edge Technologies and Agile Process

Our domain expertise surpasses all boundaries and we are at the forefront of digital transformation in Web, Mobile, and Cloud technologies. We deliver innovative and intelligent solutions. Our agile process-driven approach ensures effectiveness and competence for the definitive transformation of the business.

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