Short URL for Microsoft 365 Usage & Instruction Manual

SharePoint ShortUrl App is a SharePoint Online (Office 365) App that allows the creation and use of vanity and shortcut hyperlinks fully integrated within the SharePoint Online environment. Developed and supported by CIRRUS SOFT LTD, SharePoint ShortUrl is used and trusted by many of the top companies worldwide!

Too often and especially with large complex installations, the structure of a SharePoint site collection can lead to enormously long hyperlinks, which makes for ugly and error prone hyperlinks.

For example, compare the following hyperlink to a folder in a document library:

When you use SharePoint ShortUrl App, it can also be shortened to;
https://yoursite/clients (Ultimate License)

The ShortUrl App provides you with a choice of sensible, secure Domain names from which to create ShortUrl’s. You are able to define which domain is used as the default within your SharePoint environment and each of these separate domains will also work for any ShortUrl created against the default instance. Thus, you can share any of the domains with your ShortUrl and they will work!
Shorturl App Domains; | | |

Depending on the License Type and App Key the ShortUrl App works as detailed below;

Free SharePoint Online App License (Ad Sponsored)
ShortUrl App is available for Free on the Office Store as a SharePoint App and on installation allows users to create auto generated ShortUrl’s for any content.

Standard / Enterprise License (Free Trial allows creation of 5 ShortUrl’s with Ads)
To enable your ShortUrl App to generate custom ShortUrl’s unique to your organization an App API Key is required. The process to registering your Username/Subdomain is simple and fast (click here to register App Key). Once you have registered your ShortUrl App Key you will be able to activate and update the ‘ShortUrlAppKey’ List that comes as part of the ShortUrl App.

Ultimate License (Can also be hosted on your own AZURE Infrastructure)
The ShortUrl App Ultimate License provides your own Custom Domain with all of the great features as an App Solution to deploy.

A ShortUrl makes emailing the link, putting it into documents or even saying it over the phone much simpler and less error prone. Using SharePoint ShortUrl App a shortened hyperlink can be created to any Page, List Item, Document and View within SharePoint. Also to any external Url. With SharePoint ShortUrl App you can create ShortUrl’s directly from the Site Actions Menu and/or any List/Library items Context Menu. If a ShortUrl has already been created, you can instantly copy to the clipboard, email the link directly (the link will be opened in your email client). ShortUrl’s are stored in a regular SharePoint List (‘ShortUrl’) that is located in each Site that the ShortUrl App is installed. All ShortUrl’s are processed on our Secure Servers, meaning we handle the resource load externally from SharePoint.

To download SharePoint ShortUrl App for free from the Office Store click hereContact us if you require any additional information.

  • SharePoint ShortUrl App Compatibility : SharePoint Online / Microsoft 365.
  • Version : (Release date June 2020).

> Please click here for the ShortUrl App Manual.

> Please click here for the ShortUrl App About.

> Please click here for the ShortUrl App License.