Activate SharePoint ShortUrl Features to all Sites

SharePoint ShortUrl Features are Activated on a Site by Site basis. The Below PowerShell Script will enable the selected SharePoint ShortUrl Features to all Sites within a specified Web Application on which SharePoint ShortUrl is...

How to hide SharePoint ShortUrl Features within your environment

How to hide SharePoint ShortUrl Features within your environment In SharePoint it not possible to deploy a solution to a Web Application so that its Features are only visible within this Web Application. This is true for SharePoint ShortUrl and...

PowerShell to disable list throttling for specific list (ShortUrl)

ft.SharePoint.PowerShell $web = Get-SPWeb http://SiteURL/ $list = $web.Lists $list.EnableThrottling = $false $list.Update() Enable List Throttling: Below is the PowerShell command to enable list throttling for a particular...

Preventing User’s from Changing the Auto Generated ShortUrl Name when creating ShortUrl’s

Preventing User’s from Changing the Auto Generated ShortUrl Name when creating ShortUrl’s Below describes how to enforce the automatically generated ShortUrl Name to be used by creators. Users cannot Change the ShortUrl unless they...

Removing the Display of ShortUrl Menu Options

Locate ShortUrlECMLinkElement\ Elements.xml Example for 2010- (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\ShortUrl2010_ShortUrlECMLink\ShortUrlECMLinkElement\ShortUrlECMLinkElement\ Elements.xml)...

SharePoint ShortUrl (Auto Create / Update / Delete Features) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (Auto Create / Update / Delete Features) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (Create a ShortUrl for Documents) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (Create a ShortUrl for Documents) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (Create UNC Path ShortUrls) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (Create UNC Path ShortUrls) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (Document ID ShortUrls) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (Document ID ShortUrls) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (Installation via PowerShell and Feature Activation) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (Installation via PowerShell and Feature Activation) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (ShortUrl List Item) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (ShortUrl List Item) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (ShortUrl Priority Feature) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (ShortUrl Priority Feature) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (ShortUrl This Page and Copy a ShortUrl) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (ShortUrl This Page and Copy a ShortUrl) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (Show / Hide ShortUrl Menus) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (Show / Hide ShortUrl Menus) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (Show My ShortUrls) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (Show My ShortUrls) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (Tracking and Full Tracking Web Application Features) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl (Tracking and Full Tracking Web Application Features) SharePoint 2016 On-Prem - Video Demo

SharePoint ShortUrl 2010 Features & Commands List

SharePoint ShortUrl 2010 Features & Commands List Name Description scope Activation Command ShortUrl (WA Feature 1) SharePoint ShortUrl Install SharePoint ShortUrl. WebApplication Enable-SPFeature -Identity...

SharePoint ShortUrl 2013 Features & Commands List

SharePoint ShortUrl 2013 Features & Commands List Name Description scope Activation Command ShortUrl (WA Feature 1) SharePoint ShortUrl Install SharePoint ShortUrl. WebApplication Enable-SPFeature -Identity...

SharePoint ShortUrl 2016 Features & Commands List

SharePoint ShortUrl 2016 Features & Commands List

SharePoint ShortUrl Features and Benefits

SharePoint ShortUrl Features and Benefits One of the great selling points of SharePoint for an organisation is the ability to keep documents and information centrally and the supporting mechanism for this is to send hyperlinks to colleagues and...

SharePoint ShortUrl List Throttling Limit (Disable)

The same list throttling limit applies to external List as in native SharePoint list (2000 items). Instead of changing throttling limit for whole web application, we can disable list throttling for specific list (ShortUrl) via power shell. This...

SharePoint ShortUrl Usage & Instruction Manuals

» SharePoint ShortUrl About (2013) » SharePoint ShortUrl Manual (2013) » SharePoint ShortUrl About (2010) » SharePoint ShortUrl Manual (2010) » SharePoint ShortUrl About (2007) » SharePoint ShortUrl Manual (2007) » SharePoint...

SharePoint ShortUrl Vs SharePoint Native Friendly URLs

* SharePoint Friendly URLs do work with documents. SharePoint ShortUrl does work with documents!

ShortUrl List and SURLStatus

ShortUrl List and SURLStatus The Following describes the ShortUrl List Field – SURLStatus. SharePoint ShortUrl works by storing data in a list situated at the root site of the Web Application. This List is administered automatically by...